Ezequiel Uricoechea

Ezequiel Uricoechea (Bogotá, 10 April 1834 – Beirut, 1880) was a Colombian linguist and scientist. He is considered one of the first Colombian scientists and a pioneer in Spanish-language linguistics.

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|== heading text == Early years]] Uricoechea was the son of José María Uricoechea, a hero of the independence war and Mariana Rodriguez y Moreno the grand-dauther of the national education reformer: Francisco Moreno y Escandón. Ezequiel Uricoechea made his first studies in medicine in the United States, then he made his studies in natural science in Germany. During 3 years He traveled all over some European universities where He complemented his studies in linguistic, philology, humanism, naturalisim and other disciplines.

In 1857 Uricoechea came back to Colombia where He was named as chemistry and mineralogy teacher in the colegio mayor de Bogotá